WebChange for RISC OS

from Soft Rock Software

User Guide


Sprite splicer

This utility is run from the icon bar menu, utilities submenu, by clicking 'Sprite Splicer'. The splicer program loads and its window opens into which you can drag a sprite or, if ChangeFSI has been seen by the system, a GIF or JPEG file.

The graphic loaded will be displayed in the main icon in the window. Don't worry about its appearance in that window, which may be 'odd', since it is only there for 'guide' purposes - the actual loaded image is unaffected, and does retain its correct size and colouring.

The sprite splicer
The sprite splicer

With an image loaded you can select the divisions you wish to apply to it - down the left and along the bottom are eight arrow icons each, sixteen in total. If you select one of these you will see a corresponding line drawn across the image - deselecting the arrow causes the line to disappear. These arrows/lines show where the divisions are - where the image will be split when you save it out.

In the current version, the divisions are evenly spaced, at 12.5% of the image dimensions apart. With eight horizontal divisions (down the left) and eight vertical ones (along the bottom), this means the image can be split into up to 64 (8x8) evenly size pieces or, depending which ones you select if not all, less pieces, less evenly sized.

The icons to the right of the image also become accessible with something loaded. The first of these can be selected/ deselected in order to set the output filetype/format to JPEG (if ChangeFSI has been seen) or sprite.

The icon below this determines the JPEG quality, as a percentage. This can be set to anything between 0 and 99 - the higher the setting, the better the JPEG quality (and the bigger the resulting files).

Saving is a case of dragging the folder icon from the Sprite Splicer window to a suitable location on disk. A directory is created, and the contents will be either:-

The individual segments (named 'y_x[/jpeg]') are saved a row at a time, working top left to bottom right of the original image. This is so that they are numbered in the same order in which you would be most likely to use them on a web page.

[Main Contents]

JPEG extractor

The JPEG extractor is a very simple utility to extract JPEGs embedded in other files - such as MS Word files, for example. It uses a very simple approach, looking for a certain sequence of bytes which are usually found at the start, of a JPEG, and another usually found at the end, and saving everything in between.

It will continue through any file passed to it until it has extracted all it can - so if there is more than one JPEG in the file, it should save more than one to disk.

JPEG Extractor
The JPEG Extractor

Drag the file you believe contains a JPEG (or JPEGs) to the extractor window, and then (name and) drag the folder icon to a suitable location - extraction will then take place, with the resulting JPEGs, if any were found, in the created directory.

Main contents